Monday, December 26, 2005

Like a great weight.

I know for many the holidays are a stressful time. I'm one of the many. As of last night, I felt (despite a bout of insomnia) as though a great weight had been lifted. We got back from X-mas dinner around eleven, and I felt a surge of energy. I was bouncing around, and felt compelled to go shopping. I'm pretty sure it wasn't a fit of consumerism. It just finally occurred to me what I wanted (in the small and large sense) and I wanted to go get it. I made a list of THINGS I wanted and a list of things I need to do over the next month. I felt much better after that. I always feel better when I have direction.

X-mas was good. Watching A-man is such a joy, even when he is in full, two year old whine mode. It was a bummer that the New Yorkers couldn't be with us, but I understand. As always I have an excessively generous family. I only hope I can reciprocate some day. Princess G-ma's energy is astounding. She cleans, cooks, makes sure we're all taken care of, and is still smiling at the end of it all.

I took mostly film pictures, so I'll try to borrow some.

I hope everyone has had a great holiday, and that health, happiness, and peace infuse us all.

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