Friday, December 02, 2005


Interesting day. Decided to stay in bed for a while this morning. I felt more rested, but I think I made my right shoulder uber tense. I'm goofy.

Work was fun. My neighbor/yoga teacher client came in and we just chatted and chatted and I went way over time. It was fun though.

I went out (for the first time) with Mr. Blue Jeans tonight. Nice guy, funny, a bit uptight and likes rodeos. We'll see. Went to an Irish bar I hadn't been too. I think I would have been happier flirting at the bar and wiggling to the Cranberries, but it was OK.

I've been having Blowpop (b-day present to me from Mr. Hedgehog) return fantasies. Things like leaving it on his car with a note that says, "You're rude" attached. Popping into his office and tossing it "flying dagger" style at him. Etc., etc.

It was bright and sunny today!

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