Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Hilarity in the kitchen.

Just watching S make some low sugar peanut butter cookies with her X-mas present mixer. She is asking B to use his tools to fix her problem, and then tells him she needs something smaller than what he has to offer. tee hee hee. This is after I ran around the house with the dough hook sticking out of my sleeve threatening to make people walk the plank.

Mammy and I wore ourselves out today looking for all those little tidbits for post X-mas fun. All went well, except I am super annoyed that I can't seem to make the MP3 player function work on my phone. I thought I would be clever, but I seem to be at a loss (snort, snort).

I HAVE to retrieve my digi camera from S's car. I need to show you all the tacky/old lady purse I got. It is silver and reminds one of stale bars, bad wigs, and Misty 120's.

Glad to see Jillo and J-bob had a great X-mas. I am super excited about seeing Jillo in OR, and need to call Mr. and Mrs. Portland to see if they will be around.

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