Sunday, December 04, 2005

Interesting day.

Didn't want to get out of bed this morning, but was awake by 9:30. I wallowed around until 11:45 drinking cups of tea and reading. I then headed off for fun coffee, shopping, and catching up with Ms. T.

I met up with Mr. SC at about 3:30. We spent the next several hours chatting, shopping for presents for nephews, drinking sake on a park bench, eating burgers, bar hopping, etc. I had a good time, but halfway through also wanted to go home and crawl in bed. I am too tired. Still, I could like him. He is fun.

That being said, I am afraid I am becoming Chandler (i.e. immediately finding reasons not to like/date someone). Probably once bitten twice shy. And then there is the other thing...

Despite my slightly colored past, I haven't set lips on a man in years. Not months, not days...years. I need some practice, but that isn't very practical. What is a girl to do?

When I find the camera cable I'll post pictures.

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