Saturday, May 13, 2006

WeeOO. WeeOO

Funny brain twisting in the wind. I think I have a bad case of summer fever. I feel the need to clean up, get things done, and go have some fun in the sun. I really am a sun girl. I like it warm and bright.

I looked at Honda Fit info on line today. I could get one for about $400/mo, including insurance. It looks like a fun little car. I'd like to see how it drives. I can't stand the thought of buying a new car. It is such a big decision to make. There are so many out there to chose from. How's a girl supposed to know what's right? Plus, I keep saying that I am going to just run mine into the ground, what with street parking and all. Doesn't make much sense to get a different car. I just feel like mine is some how teetering on the edge. Like everything is fine now, but any day it will come to pieces like the Silver Hornet in the Pink Panther movies. Also, who has $400/mo?

I made cake today for Mammy. When I was five or six, I had to tell my favorite recipe and Mammy's favorite recipe to my teacher. She made a little poster that ended up hanging on our wall for years. My recipe was Totino's pizza with hamburger meat, and Mammy's was pineapple upside-down cake. I don't recall ever eating PUDC before. I didn't quite have the right tools, and managed to fill the house with smoke, but it was good cake. So much for fitting in my bathing suit. Maybe the innertubes on the lazy river will hide the rolls.

Quick note per Buckmister's page...I want to go to Thailand!

Happy Mother's Day.

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