Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Funny twistings.

I had a great time in Portland with Cj and Jt. They are the only people that have been able to make me laugh until I cried in recent time. I love them. I felt a bit like I was intruding on their home coming. I hope they didn't mind too much. They always help me put things in perspective, which I appreciate. It was also wonderful to see my furry niece and nephews. It is so nice to curl up with them!

Tonight Mr. Urbane and I went to my "I raised enough money to get invited to a reception" reception. It is a BEAUTIFUL (read sunny and warm) night in the City. We stayed for the drinks and snacks then headed to a place we could sit outside. I think it was the most fun we've had in a long time. I'm glad. It was a school night and I was afraid he'd be dopey. He did bring me home early, but that's a good thing. I need some rest (and time to blog). He laughed heartily over Cj card and gift. He can't wait to be a snowboarder poser along with the rest of us.

I hot rolled my hair tonight..It was fun! I'd take a picture, but the battery is dead. We must have looked cute, because the photographer took our photo a couple of times. Aren't I VAIN?

I am getting so excited about Mexico. Mammy and I have agreed many hours on the lazy river drinking virgin pina coladas in THE thing for US to do! I can't wait. I just need to paint and build shelves in the mean time. Woohoo!

Also, I have to say, it is SO nice to be back with the babies. Miss EE has gotten bigger, but I think she forgot me while I was gone. I'm going to have to give her extra cuddles. Also, A-man vocab/syntax got more complex while I was gone, and he is now excited about getting into the pool. Makes the summer sound WAY fun!

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