Sunday, May 21, 2006

Tennessee Valley.

I was supposed to hang out with Mr. Urbane Friday evening, but it was decided all parties were too tired. Things were rescheduled for Saturday.

Instead B&S's new car was purchased. Welcome to the mini-van world! I can't wait to rag it out! WOOHOO!

Sat. morning I relaxed a bit and took a leisurely shower. I popped up to the city and Mr. Urbane and I proceeded to have some fun. We went to the Tennessee Valley and took the little hike down to TN beach. It was so beautiful. Fields of wild flowers and steep hillsides, all full of birds. The beach had great striated rocks, and big waves. We chit chatted, perhaps more easily than before. I asked many questions. He is an odd man. We continued on to Tiburon to catch the end of the baseball game. I had a margharita and got all warm and fuzzy inside. We eventually moved on to the city where we ate at a nice restaurant, and I hate some great duck.

Today I spent the morning with the Homie's. All were in fine fettle, and we eventually went to lunch. Yummy lasagna on a wet and cloudy day. I picked up some goodies to give Mr. Urbane for his belated birthday. I was going to drop them at his house, but we ended up wandering around the neighborhood, and having dinner. There was a CUTE blonde lab teddydog outside who was super cuddly. We returned to his house, so I could get Em cuddles. I was short on critter love I think. weekend.

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