Sunday, January 28, 2007

Where is my head?

Two nights in a row I dreamt someone loved me. I mean that a man loved me.

The first night I was walking through the woods, on a shaded, but warm path. I ran into an old friend. We talked. We were so open to each other. In real life, and in my dream, he is married. In the dream I reminded him that he loved his wife, and nothing else mattered. It just felt so good to love and be loved.

Last night was even better. I met a famous man. I won't mention his name, but he is very funny, cute, talented, and on a television show set in a hospital. He loved me, and I already love him. It was perfect. He was so nice and cuddly. He came in for a cuddle, and declared me STINKY! It was so funny. I explained the pipes were broken, and could he just give me an hour then we could live happily ever after without the stink. Then began a strange process. I was ushered into some sort of cleaning/beautifying warehouse/spa-like place. It was very fancy. There were large tiled rooms with multiple huge showers, baths, and saunas. There were built in vanities with copious amounts of designer shampoos, soaps, perfumes, etc. Big, fluffy towels and robes were scattered about. There were assistants to help every step of the way. Imagine the cleaning and polishing scene from the Wizard of Oz. I was so excited and nervous. It seemed to be taking forever, and I was very afraid he would change his mind before I was done.

Oh, to be in love and stink free.

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