Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Well, there was no New Years kiss, but there was certainly cheer and love. Between all the sniffles and coughs (minus me, thankfully) the whole family clicked glasses, then pretty much went straight to bed. Last year was really weird and wonderful. Every year I get very serious and dramatic this time of year and promise I will do more and grow more in the coming year. That being said, here are my plans:
1. I will get physically and mentally prepared to go to Switzerland.
2. I will go to Switzerland and hike approximately 110 miles.
3. I will practice with the new camera, and take great pictures with it.
4. I will do all my work well (Mammy and Poppy's house, etc.)
5. I will be more positive and kinder/friendlier with people.
6. I will buy organic cotton whenever possible.
7. I will reach out to more people.

I'm sure there should be many more, but only so many things can stick in my head.
I wish you all happy, happy New Years.

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