Thursday, February 22, 2007


I made a big oopsie this AM. I just hope the phrase, "Pride goeth before a fall." doesn't apply. I was asked if I live alone, as though it weren't something a woman could do. I was practically bragging (to a complete stranger), that I do. I'm such an idiot sometimes.

I went to town today. I needed out of the house, and a few supplies. I got new hand cream. It rocks, but smells a bit weird. It was good to get out.

When I got home I was doing mental calculations about which items will be moved and which ones will be disposed of. The plan is to get rid of the two Lazy Boy recliners. They are old, and are upholstered with horrendous fabric. I, of course, love them. They have been a part of the family since I was born. I have played in them, slept in them, watched movies in them, convalesced in them, shared stories of my family's history in them, etc. My heart wrenched a little just thinking about letting them go. I am still convinced I get so attached to objects because I feel so detached from my extended family and its history.

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