Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Living Alone.

Living alone, here in the mountains, is different than living alone in an apartment in SF.

In the apartment, I am only feet away from many, many people. When I am there, I am out of the apartment more than in it. I interact with others all the time.

In the mountains, I do see and speak with other humans (though mostly over the phone or computer). I am in the house more than out of it. I am more alone.

Those of you that know me, know that I am a social person. I find myself laughing out loud. I send more emails. I get VERY excited about getting DVDs in the mail! I miss the babies (which means I'm on flickr often)!

It might snow this weekend, but the weather has been beautiful...sunny and clear. The critters, the smells, the weather, and the quiet all have me thinking I should be investing here. In real estate, that is.

I have decided that I need to be eating more fruit. Why I decided this in the middle of winter when it is difficult to get fresh fruit, especially organic, is beyond me. That being said, I've been working on some bananas and a pineapple. I disliked pineapple when I was a kid, but like many other things, I'm learning to love it as an adult.


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