Sunday, July 16, 2006

Long list.

So the last few weeks have been down right nutty. Parties, city socializing, sisterly appendix removal, Mammy travel, real estate discussions, child care, etc.
I got a little cooked, and emotionally over wrought. I'm much better now.

My brain has been torturing me at night. I keep having these dreams that make everything work out. It is comforting while I'm asleep, but then I wake up and feel confused.

I would like a mate. Everyone knows this. I was faced last week with a very challenging situation. I met a man that has many, many things that I has been looking for. And he liked me. And I don't want him because he wants to be a cop. I have felt very conflicted about this. I don't want to pass up a good thing. Discussing the situation with Poppy this morning made me realize how resolved I am about it. The only other thing I'm worried about, is whether I will every stop wanting things I cannot have.

Poppy and I were driving around yesterday and I got stung on my birdy finger. Now it looks like a banana slug! :-) It is so funny.

I have been very naughty about not keeping up with people. MUST make phone calls!

I still can't seem to post pictures. Will keep trying.

Glad to hear all the good news, and see all the fun that's been going on in Oregon!

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