Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Toe-may-Toe, Toe-mah-Toe.

I have always thought of CJ and JT as roots. They are,however, great fertilizer as well. And I am coming to Portland, even if temporarily. I'm so excited. I need it. Someone is trying to get me to come home a day early, so that I can participate in a whole family photo, but I don't think that will work.

I have the most generous sister and bro-in-law in the world. One of the results of their generosity has been weekly trips for an hour massage and a chiropractor visit for me. Those visits have become my still moments. I treasure them. Massage is so awesome. We all need more touching!

Some ladies came by the house today. They were lots of fun, and all seemed to have men to offer up to me. It is so nice to be thought of as nice. I will now freely admit that I am looking for my Mr. Big (without the commitment issues of course).

Off to wrestle with electronic music formats.

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