Wednesday, January 25, 2006

You gotta love glow in the dark sheep.

I went to the city, cut off my finger nails, and gave a massage. There was no fungus growing out of control in the fridge, and it was nice to have a night in my own space again.

I had dinner with Mr. Urbane, and we caught up. He lost Mr. Ned recently and is still a bit sad. I will miss Mr. Ned and his purring! Other than that he seemed in good spirits and is growing a beard.

It was weird to go back to work. At this point I have mixed feelings. I want it to be over with, but I also will miss it.

I went down to Santa Cruz to have dinner with Mr. P. Coltrane last night. It was fun. We went to see Brokeback Mountain, which was beautiful and so sad. PC has a nice smile. Also, the stars in SC were BEAUTIFUL!

Oh, and I am including some photos of something I bought for Jillo and forgot to give to her. I knew she was losing sleep pre-graduating. I found a glow in the dark sheep so she could count sheep without turning the lights on. It ran away with the spoon, but showed up again recently. I'm now keeping it beside my bed for my insomnia nights. It makes me happy and I thinks of Jillo and her MAN. Speaking of, Jt- I have almost called you a few times during my insomnia time maybe I will! ;-)

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