Saturday, March 11, 2006

Peanut Butter

I don't know why that is my title. :-)

PC is gone. Part of me feels like a sucker, the bigger part just says, "NEXT!".

Had dinner with Mr. Vespa Wednesday night. He is a good human. We had a great conversation about human nature.

I took care of Miss EE when I got home. As she was sleeping peacefully in my lap, I looked at her. My heart just opened up, and I thought, "THIS is what is it ALL about." Do you all know what I mean? It just seems like life is supposed to be about being open, compassionate, and loving. Helping things grow and teaching them to help themselves and others. It was our bonding moment. She is so cute!

I am losing track of the days. I have a lot of little chores to do before I leave for Japan. I need new glasses, and I went to look for some today. I need you Portlandites! I cannot find ones I like. Oh, and I meant to say I hope you all are having a GREAT weekend together in your new digs!


Jill said...

If you are peanut butter, can I be your jelly?

Spur said...

Baby, you've been my jelly for YEARS!! OX