Wednesday, February 01, 2006

I will try to remember.

Well, a bunch of stuff has happened. I am tired, and watching M.A.S.H., so I probably won't get much of it down.

Um. A-man has been mostly cute, and a little bit insanely two.

I am finally able to breathe, as Jillo has officially been offered an AWESOME job in Portland...I'm SO excited!!!!!

I've been cooking cooking cooking.

The girly Homies came down, and were so nice and fun. I miss them. It makes me want to get settled back down in SF a bit.

I'm itching with anticipation for our Lady in Waiting to arrive. I would at least like to know her name. ;-)

P. Coltrane and I saw Brokeback Mountain last week, it was SO sad and so beautiful!

We were supposed to get together over the weekend, but he had to work. We decided to get together on Mon. evening. I told him it was his turn to come up here. He finally called at almost 6:20 P.M. to tell me he was coming. It was about 9:30 P.M. when he finally showed up. I was very tired and grumpy at that point. I was wondering what the heck I was doing with a guy who couldn't follow directions, talks on his cell phone too much while driving, and is too whatever to buy a car charger for his cell phone. I think it was the hunger, and I feel a bit bad now about giving him a hard time. I am hopefully going to the Monterey Aquarium with him on Sat. Who knows?

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