Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Babies coming out our ears.

Well, the NYC part of the family went into labor today, and last I heard has contractions less than ten minutes apart. I fully expect to have a shiny new member of the family in the morning. I am convinced they are having a boy, but won't mind at all if I'm wrong.

S is ready. She has her last pre-op visit in the morning. I believe this last week will be a long one for her.

A-man is a sweet, pathetic, sick, little guy today. He went to the Doctor, and it turns out he has an ear infection/chest congestion. We had a big vomit episode this afternoon as well. I feel so bad for him. Despite it all his spirits are high, and we managed to get some playing in.

I have just been given an airline ticket to Japan, for god only knows what reasons. Still, I will treasure it, and attempt to have the best time possible. Watch out...slide shows to follow!

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