Monday, December 31, 2007

Sparkle, bubble, pop.

Well, I hope everyone had a super holiday! I was very happy to have the family in town. The three kids together were adorable, and mostly well behaved.

Unfortunately I got the flu on Christmas day, and was in bed for the next five days with no access to all the cuteness. I did get to catch up on old and/or cheesy movie watching though. I'm still a bit wobbly, but I did manage to make it out to work for a couple of hours today.

I have stuffed my computer to the gills with pictures, and have no room for uploading. I got various external drives, and will try to correct that situation ASAP. In the meantime, I am keeping a sharp eye out for a good deal on an old View Master style camera. I LOVED View Master reels as a kid, and would LOVE to be able to make my own.

I am feeling very emotional today. It is New Year's Eve, so it is to be expected. I am wishing the best for all of you, and also thanking you for all your love and support! :-) Happy New Year!

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