Monday, December 31, 2007

Sparkle, bubble, pop.

Well, I hope everyone had a super holiday! I was very happy to have the family in town. The three kids together were adorable, and mostly well behaved.

Unfortunately I got the flu on Christmas day, and was in bed for the next five days with no access to all the cuteness. I did get to catch up on old and/or cheesy movie watching though. I'm still a bit wobbly, but I did manage to make it out to work for a couple of hours today.

I have stuffed my computer to the gills with pictures, and have no room for uploading. I got various external drives, and will try to correct that situation ASAP. In the meantime, I am keeping a sharp eye out for a good deal on an old View Master style camera. I LOVED View Master reels as a kid, and would LOVE to be able to make my own.

I am feeling very emotional today. It is New Year's Eve, so it is to be expected. I am wishing the best for all of you, and also thanking you for all your love and support! :-) Happy New Year!

Friday, December 21, 2007

Mrs and Mr KittyP cutting a rug.

Exactly how I feel.

Catching up with more old friends.

Catching up with old friends.

Mr Salsapants getting blown away.

Mr. Urbane's new furry guy.

Mammy and Pappy on a much deserved rest hike.

Ok, OK.

I KNOW!! I haven't posted anything in four months, but I've been busy.
We finished the house, and it is now on the market. It all seems like a dream now.
I went to NYC again to see my beloveds there. Then I came home, and came home. I went to Mrs. KittyP's hitching, which was great. Mis Cj has come to visit a few times, which rocks! I've spent the odd bit of time with Mr. Salsapants, and Mr Urbane. Mr. Urbane's furry, young man is bringing joy to one and all. I got a job driving around, which I don't like so much as I thought I would, but I won't keep doing it for long. At least I see the sun, and some insane houses. A-man has me making daily car reports about what I see each day. Miss EE is getting cheekier and chattier every day. The kids (all of them) are my joy. I am still wondering about my path/my purpose. I'll get there. Now, a story.

I went to get all my hair hacked off the other day, and then, after his haircut, A-man and I had some pancakes at IHOP, two doors down. It is amazing to see the little man he is becoming. We were eating, and all of a sudden he said, "Isabella's tooth is loose." We had a nice little chat about the tooth fairy, and I wondered if the idea of your teeth falling out was scary to him. Then, a few minutes later he turned and asked, "Do you love Mom?" I explained that I love,love,love,love,loved her, as I do all my loved ones. Then we proceeded to make lots of funny faces at each other.

I am looking very forward to the next few days with the family, and then the tropical days with the family soon there after.

Peace, love, and joy to you all.