Monday, May 14, 2007

I should really be in bed.

I feel much better. I've been trying to take care of myself. The house is progressing slowly, but surely. Best of all, the fam (or at least part of them) came up the hill this weekend and we got a lot of work done. Mammy and S worked very, very hard on the kitchen cleanup. Poor ladies, they both were so sweet and worked very hard on Mother's Day. Between the four of us, I feel like we got over a hump of some kind. It is so nice to have people that are willing to pick up the slack, and do some of the fiddly things that I just don't have the patience for.

I also feel much safer when other people are here. I think that's why I am still up. When I'm by myself it takes me longer to calm down and go to bed.

I also had a nice chat with a gentleman online tonight. I love funny people.

I should have been working on Mr. Urbane's B-day present, as his B-day is tomorrow, but I couldn't get settled enough to do it.

If the timing goes well, I could have as many as eight dates this coming weekend. It is too much, but I want to get it over with, then close out my online dating chapter. I would rather take the time and money and go live out in the real world and meet people that way. It will require me to be brave, but I KNOW I can do it. I hope you all are well. Thank you all for letting me get so negative and "vent-y"!

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