Friday, October 20, 2006

Indian Summer

That's all I know to call it. It is so beautiful, warm, and sunny.
I've been quite sick for a week now. I'm at the point where I am almost well. I'm still coughing, etc and a bit tired. I also have an itchy case of cabin fever.

Miss EE and I had some fun and giggles this morning. She is such a cutie. She and her brother are asleep, so I turned on the TV.

One of the HD channels is showing a live Morrissey show. I am blown away. The dude is 47 years old. He can still sing. He sounds JUST like he did on early Smiths albums. He sang Every Day is Like Sunday and I just freaked out. High school, crisp fall days in old Volvo wagons, doughnut holes, my girls, my loves, my mountains. I miss you all.

Don't know if it was the feverishness, or what, but I have been all over the place emotionally. I have been having vivid dreams. I feel super one minute, and totally morose the next. I hope it was just the virus doing its thing. I feel good this very moment.

Happy fall everybody. Gonna have to go download some you know who when I get home.

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