Monday, October 23, 2006

I'm a dork.

And I am OK with that.

I have consistently been given the same good advice through the years. Mr. Urbane gave me this advice again on Friday. He said, "Go have a martini!" I knew what he meant was, "Relax! Don't push so hard!" I've been taking really deep, slow breaths since then. He was right. I just need to calm down. I am calming down.

Friday was a big day for me. After the Morrissey thing, I got odd. I found and communicated with two old boyfriends. I attempted to track down a prom date that passed away entirely too young. I made an idiot out of myself with a friend. I called two of my oldest girlfriends, cringing at the thought of how long it had been. It was all just crazy and exciting.

How strange. Anyway, all seems to have calmed down. It is still being beautiful here. Cj got home safe and sound from NY. I can't WAIT to see her next month! Happy fall to all!

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