Saturday, March 21, 2009

It is like...

1. The day is sunny, warm, and beautiful. If you can just find your keys, you will make the next train. You will arrive just in time to meet your friends. You will walk around exploring the park, and end up finding the perfect cafe with the perfect cup of coffee. You will see the most beautiful things, soul touching things, and you will laugh until you cry. The perfect song will come on, again and again. Dinner will taste so good your toes curl. Involuntary sighs will flow forth from your body. Your bed will be more comfortable than it has ever been before. Ever. You will wake up refreshed. When the words arrive it is like finding the keys, just in time. When the words don't arrive, it is like the mad, anxious rush to search for them and the disappointment when you miss the train.

2. Like finding the chocolate chip in the cookie. When the words are there "ping" the chip, when they aren't "thunk" chip.

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