Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Skeletons in the chimney.

So, I've hired contractors, they are in full swing, and I want to go to Italy.

This is week two for the crew, and the weather (knock on wood) has been amazing. We need water, but I have great appreciation for sunny days with highs in the seventies. The house, as we knew it would, has revealed many of its nasty secrets (fresh air venting that isn't vented to anywhere, rodent poop EVERYWHERE, mouse skeletons in the chimney, electrical lines laying on the ground in the crawl space, etc.). Still, the fellas are creative problem solvers, and I think the end result is going to be a nice house. I just hope and pray it sells well!

Next week I will be getting on with some of the outside clean up work. This weekend some of the gang is coming up to do paint prep and demo. It should be fun!

The Upstairs Gang is officially moving back to TN. I am very happy for them, but am going to miss them something awful. Still, this way I can plan more regular trips back to TN.

I am hoping once all these real estate issues are settled, we can have more family fun weekends. There are so many amazing places to see and things to do in CA, it is time we got on with some seeing and doing.

I'm feeling pretty good, and capable. I need to be getting more exercise. I'm feeling a little unwanted, but I'll get over it soon enough. :-) I'm having a fashion desire moment. In the search for more sustainable clothing, I've found all these designers making beautiful AND sustainable clothes. It brings out the OCD in me. My budget, as always, holds me back.

Today, I am having an Italy day. I want to eat, drink, and be merry. I want to see old buildings, and sit in sunny plazas.

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