Thursday, December 28, 2006


Did I lose any of you?

So yesterday I went to go see The Holiday (by myself, by the way). I know. Insipid.
I don't care. Sometimes I need to see the cheese. I was able to choke back my near revulsion for Jude Law, and ignore the worst of the insipidness, and enjoyed it. It did remind me I need to stay positive, keep reaching and searching, and let go of dead/desiccating things. I will not be a raisin!

I uploaded a few pics from the new camera. I'm really going to have to put some work into learning the ins and outs. White balance seems to be the trickiest part.

I downloaded Prince today. Love that guy.

I had to tell Poppy today that I just couldn't do some work for him over the next few weeks. I feel very determined that the next six months will be devoted to finishing the old house, and to getting in shape. I just can't be his girl this time, which makes me feel AWFUL! I know it means that he won't have enough time for all of his stuff, including getting ready for Switzerland. Ugh.

I bought some books on renovation. I am determined to get this right.

Finally, for once in my life, I would like a New Year's kiss. A proper one. Any takers?

1 comment:

Jill said...

I'll give you a proper NY's kiss!!!


I love you!